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Personal Development, Speaking and Engagement

AT&T Summer Learning Academy

🕰 Jul 2021 - Jul 2021
🏡 AT&T
🗺 Remote

• Initiated roundtable discussions amongst fellow peers and supported a nurturing learning community
• Acquired knowledge and insights into four key areas (personal development, business, technology, and career development) through self-paced classes, hands-on learning, and live sessions

Developer Community, Leadership


📆 AthenaHacks 2022

• Provided assistance to participants who had questions about cloud computing, web development, and game development
• Helped troubleshoot and debug code and software

Personal Development

Bloomberg Accelerator Summer School Participant

🕰 Jun 2023 - Aug 2023
🏡 Bloomberg
🗺 Remote

Program Overview:
This program, led by Bloomberg Engineering, provides participants with insights into the technical interview process and the Bloomberg Engineering culture.

• Data structures + algorithms
• Problem solving + patterns
• Resume + interview communications
• Live coding workshop

Operating Systems

Cache Simulator

📆 CS4541 Computer Systems Fundamentals

Program to simulate a cache using Zig.


App Development, Personal Development

CodePath iOS Development Course

🕰 Aug 2021 - Dec 2021
🏡 CodePath
🗺 Remote / Kalamazoo, MI

Pathway: iOS Development is a project-based exploration of mobile app development, focusing on the design and implementation of RESTful API clients. Students strengthen their technical skills by completing coding labs and building fully functioning apps using APIs and Apple SDKs.

During the second half of the course, students will participate in a group project and apply everything they've learned into conceptualizing, designing, and architecting their own functioning mobile apps from scratch.

Teams will be given the chance to present their apps at CodePath's Demo Day and receive feedback from professional software engineers.

XCode, Swift

App Development

Desserts iOS App

iOS app to display desserts from themealdb.

Swift, SwiftUI, TheMealDB API

Machine Learning, Leadership

Abuse Level Multiclass Text Classification Model

📆 CS5950 Machine Learning Course

• Explored and compared different machine learning algorithms and techniques, including word embeddings, recurrent neural networks, and support vector machines, to identify the best approach for detecting abusive speech with the ConvAbuse dataset
• Utilized validation techniques such as Holdout Validation. K-fold Cross-Validation, and Leave One Out Cross-Validation to improve the model resulting in an accuracy of > 80% on the test dataset

Python, Tensorflow Keras API, Scikit-Learn

Philanthropy Work

Back2Back Fundraiser

🕰 Feb 2021 - Nov 2021

• Founded a fundraiser event to help raise funds for the BLM movement and the AAPI community
• Chaired a web development team of 5 to create a PERN stack web app for the event.
• Coordinated the planning process for the fundraiser event

Google Cloud Platform, Cloud Storage, Netlify, GitHub, Docker

Developer Community, Leadership, Speaking and Engagement, Web Development, Cloud Development

Building Python Projects: Resume Booster Series

🕰 Jan 2023 - Apr 2023

To have your resume stand out amongst all the other applicants is no easy feat, let alone having to follow up with the interview questions. Join us on our biweekly 5 part series as we cover resume dos & don'ts and interview tips & tricks on highlighting your skills through your projects. This hands-on workshop will guide you in building potential resume projects on web development, data analytics, and cloud development. As we lay out the path to boosting your resume effectively, we invite you to join us on this journey.


Developer Community, Leadership


📆 CodePath Intermediate Technical Interview Prep Course 2022

Technical Mentor:
• Supported a group of students enrolled in CodePath's Technical Interview Prep Course through guidance on course materials and facilitation of group discussions
• Moderated break-out sessions on various technical interview topics including data structures and algorithms

Web Development

Covid-19 Vaccination Finder Webpage

📆 AthenaHacks 2021

• Led the front-end development of the webpage
• Orchestrated the planning of the layout of the elements, configured the CSS styling to be in tune with the envisioned design
• Implemented Bootstrap form validation elements and responsive design concepts

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap

Game Development

Dimensions Obby

Obstacle course whereby each level represent different dimensions with hidden obstacles per level.

Roblox Game Engine, LUA

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